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Andretti Karting and Games Orlando Exterior April 20th, 2018

Revving Up the Customer Experience at Andretti

Andretti Karting and Games Orlando is revving up their digital experience for customers throughout the venue.

AV over IP Encoders March 22nd, 2018

Encoders: A Solution for IPTV Video Distribution

AV over IP is a hot topic among AV Integrators when determining how to distribute video throughout a facility. However, there are challenges that must be overcome in order to make digital streaming possible. One of the biggest obstacles is the limited bandwidth available for distributing media. Due to this limitation, video must be compressed, and an encoder must be employed.

Video clip image of Nelson Solares, CTS February 26th, 2018

Contemporary Research: A Passion for AV

When dedicated professionals reflect back on the careers they’ve chosen, often one moment stands out in their minds—a moment where their passion crystallized. For Nelson, the moment came when he was sitting at his father’s church and realized how much more impactful the service would be without sound issues—so he fixed them when he was still a kid.

Video clip image of Scott Hetzler September 14th, 2017

Excelling in Innovation, Quality and Customer Service since 1994

Since the day of its founding in 1994, Contemporary Research has strived to provide innovative products with the highest level of quality and customer service. For more than 23 years, Contemporary Research has designed and manufactured simple and innovative solutions for professional audio video system integration out of Dallas, Texas.

Broadcast control room with several video displays and audio-video control terminals. September 11th, 2017

Contemporary Research Delivers Low Cost Distribution Solutions for Broadcasting Stations

Ensuring a consistent and high quality signal distribution is a critical concern for all television broadcast stations.

Generic CR Blog Banner August 18th, 2017

Commitment to Support and Service

At Contemporary Research, connecting with our current and potential clients is always top of mind. InfoComm was a great event to share CR’s latest developments in the AV space.

Generic CR Blog Banner July 27th, 2017

Venue Vizion: An Affordable Solution for HDTV Distribution and Control

Nothing engages audiences like video content, so it’s no wonder that bars, convention centers, medical offices, corporations, houses of worship, stadiums, and arenas are investing in high-definition video distribution.

Office space with cubicles July 26th, 2017

The SMG-40 Sound Masking Generator Keeps Office Conversations Private

Acoustic tiles, carpeting, and fabric-covered cubicles have helped to make the modern office a quiet place to work. But the lack of noise has the unintended effect of making even the smallest sound seem loud by comparison, distracting from the task at hand.

Venue Vizion image with easy to use text July 13th, 2017

Venue Vizion: Easy to Use

The bar for entertainment has never been higher. Audiences across the world have nearly unlimited access to movies, music, and other forms of digital content, all directly from their phones. So how can a venue still draw and captivate live audiences night after night?

Venue Vizion image with easy to adapt text June 8th, 2017

Venue Vizion: Easy to Adapt

When customers find themselves at bars, restaurants, stadiums, or other locales, they want an audio-visual experience that is as seamless as it is compelling. This is no small task.

Web Banner with Venue VIzion System at an angle June 2nd, 2017

Venue Vizion: Easy to Install

Venue Vizion puts the power back in the hands of AV professionals and business owners. This solution can create multiple in-house channels of high definition content that are sure to engage viewers.

Generic CR Blog Banner May 30th, 2017

Simple is Good: Coaxial Cable Is Here to Stay

There’s nothing quite like the classics. While there have been recent advances in the use of multimode optical fiber and Category 6 structured wiring, the coaxial cable, or “coax,” is still unmatched for its ease of use, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

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