Contemporary Research Delivers Low Cost Distribution Solutions for Broadcasting Stations
Ensuring a consistent and high quality signal distribution is a critical concern for all television broadcast stations. The switch from analog to HD provides a high definition solution, but many broadcasters are hesitant, due to the perceived cost of the upgrade.
Until recently, most broadcasting studios lacked the ability to transmit HD studio feeds throughout their facilities. High resolution feeds were reduced to low resolution analog and then distributed via RF.
Contemporary Research has developed a solution with dual channel QMOD HDTV RF Modulators-IPTV Encoders that enable broadcasters to share live feeds as HDTV channels through their facility over coax and IPTV. With Contemporary Research's QMOD SDI 2 HDTV RF Modulator/IPTV Encoders, studios can view their programming in the same HD quality as their viewership without a massive price tag.
For example, the City Clear Broadcast Group recently needed high definition cable modulators for their HD signals, but didn’t want to spend $100k or more. As their senior broadcast engineer, Bob Blauvelt is responsible for a campus in West Palm Beach and other local stations as well as hub channels. Bob found exactly what he needed with Contemporary Research: four QMOD SDI 2 HDTV RF Modulators/IPTV Encoders.

The Contemporary Research products were highly recommended by Heartland Video Systems. The regional sales manager for Heartland Video Systems, Tony DeMarco, also utilizes QMOD HDTV Modulators-IPTV Encoders for their cost effective digital signage and HD subscriber source distribution.
With this new setup, dual inputs for the in-house cable system creates a transmission feed from master control hub outposts located throughout the building—and all in high definition!
“I’m very happy with the way they produce,” says Bob Blauvelt. “The learning curve wasn’t too tough. I like to hook it up and walk away from it and not have to think about it until two years down the road. I know I don’t need to reboot these every other day like some other stuff, and reliability is really high on my list. That’s why I am a fan.”
Bob Blauvelt, Senior Broadcast Engineer
City Clear Broadcast GroupMany broadcast stations operate various networks, yet their facilities do not have HDTV—so their picture is of a much lower quality than their viewers see. While implementing an HDTV solution may sound like an expensive endeavor, it doesn’t have to be!
Contemporary Research understands the struggles associated with implementing high quality, cost effective HD solutions. With the Contemporary Research QMOD SDI 2 HDTV RF Modulators/IPTV Encoder, broadcasters can view HDTV feeds at the same quality as their viewers without breaking the bank.
Local broadcasters also use 232-ATSC 4 or ATSC+SDI 4 HDTV tuners to monitor the quality of their signal. The ATSC+SDI 4 has a native HD-SDI output that supports embedded captioning and audio. Both feature an IP Web page to easily support remote control and status.

QMOD-SDI 2 HDTV Modulator-IPTV Encoder
The dual-channel QMOD-SDI 2 with two 3G/HD/SD-SDI inputs, offers sports venues and broadcast facilities high quality video in a compact size.