QIP-D Viewer

Part Number: QIP_D Viewer
Size: 0.000 wide x 0.000 high x 0.000 deep
Weight: 0.000
Released: October 2023

Where to Buy

QP-D Viewer 2.0.1

  • QIP-D_Viewer Graphic 250x250 2 (1).png
  • QIP-D Viewer Screen Shot 2 500.jpg

More about

About QIP-D Viewer

The QIP-D Viewer displays the current status of QIP-D and QIP-DVX IPTV Decoders on the network, and users can access the internal webpages by double-clicking on the units in the list.

Full Description & Specifications

The QIP-D Viewer displays the current status of QIP-D IPTV Decoders on the LAN.
