New Front Panel Control Functions for HDTV Tuners
For over 10 years Contemporary Research has manufactured the most reliable HDTV Tuner in the AV Industry. The most recent version of the tuner, the 232-ATSC 4K offers video output scaling up to 4K, the ability to decode channels up to 1080p, and the option for IP streaming via Ethernet output. Now, with firmware version 2.14, users will have the ability to access new front panel control functions previously only available through the use of the HD2-RC IR remote control.
From the 232-ATSC 4K front panel, users can change channels, adjust volume, access setup options, onscreen info banner, and many of the other functions previously only available from the IR remote. The IR remote is an unused accessory in many installation applications, with the addition of this new firmware the need of the IR remote has been eliminated, allowing users simpler front panel functionality. The 232-ATSC 4K and ATSC-SDI 4i will no longer include the HD2-RC IR remote control as an included accessory. The HD2-RC IR remote control will be available for purchase as an optional accessory.

232-ATSC 4K HDTV Tuner included accessories: PS12-1.5 Power Supply & Universal Rack Mounting Kit.

ATSC-SDI 4i HDTV Tuner w/ SDI included accessories: PS12-1.5 Power Supply & Universal Rack Mounting Kit.
About Contemporary Research
Contemporary Research designs, engineers and manufactures HDTV modulators, IPTV encoders, IPTV Decoders, HDTV tuners, and control products to deliver an integrated solution for Digital RF and IP Networks. CR is helping AV integrators realize the benefits of using RF Coax and IP in HDTV distribution systems throughout facilities. Headquartered in Dallas for over 20 years, Contemporary Research products are manufactured in Texas and designed to function in 24/7 installations.

The ATSC-SDI 4i HDTV Tuner, the 3rd-generation SDI tuner from Contemporary Research, adds new capabilities to the industry-standard ATSC series tuners with SDI.